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Yoga Provides Multiple Benefits for Cancer Survivors

Monday, November 8, 2010

YogaYoga has long been a form of relaxation, meditation and exercise, dating back to several thousand years B.C. Originating out of India, yoga teaches us to focus on the self: mind, body, spirit. Which is exactly what cancer survivors need to do to heal. So it makes sense that a new study found that yoga can aid survivors with sleep, energy and vitality.

Researchers studied 410 cancer survivors who had difficulty sleeping. Half of the subjects participated in two 75-minute yoga sessions per week, in addition to post-cancer care that the whole group received. The sessions consisted of 18 poses that incorporated breathing exercises and meditation. At the end of a month, sleeplessness improved in the yoga group by 100 percent.

Before the study started, only 15 percent of participants in both groups were sleeping soundly. At the end of the study, 16 percent of the control group were able to sleep soundly—an increase of only 1 percent—whereas the yoga group doubled their stats to 31 percent. Given the fact that the yoga group had decreased their sleep medication by 20 percent, while the control group increased theirs by 5 percent, there is a strong link between the practice of yoga and improved sleep ability.

The yoga group also reported an improvement in fatigue. “If you break down the program into its basics—breathing exercises, postures, mindfulness—it's not entirely clear which component ... is most important," lead researcher Karen Mustian said. "It could be they all work together to improve sleep, fatigue and quality of life ... or it could be that one of them is really the most important piece."

Very little is required to begin practicing yoga:

•Attire: loose-fitting pants or shorts that have some give so that you can move freely, along a tank top, t-shirt and/or a sports bra depending on coverage you are comfortable with. No special shoes are required. In fact, most classes are taught barefoot.

•Accessories: the only real accessory you should have is a yoga mat, which can be purchased inexpensively at your local Target or fitness store. The mat provides a comfortable, stable surface for movement, and provides traction so you don’t slip during poses. It also protects feet and hands from the harsh, hard nature of the floor. If you find it difficult to stand for any length of time but still want to get a workout in, consider purchasing a yoga ball. Available in a variety of sizes, you can sit and stabilize your body as you go through poses. An added bonus is a core workout while on the ball, as you do need to balance as you sit.

Feel Healthy, Look Healthy, Be Happy - A Lifestyle Makeover

Sunday, November 7, 2010

lifestyle changeGet ready for a shocker - almost none of us, yes, NONE OF US, are nearly as healthy, happy, and energetic as we could be, should be. This may not be a big surprise to you and me, but why then is no one doing anything about this epidemic? The simple answer is that we're all so used to doing things the way we have been for nearly a century that, not only is the idea of change overwhelming, but most of us simply don't know where to start.

I'm not here with some miracle solution, and certainly not one that will change your life overnight or will be super fast and easy to implement, but simply to give you a brief overview of what I've learned in my quest to be happy and healthy. You can make the necessary improvements with some effort and by giving yourself time to get used to and enjoy making these changes. Often we just need to hear that someone else has put in the work and is reaping the rewards, and I'm that person!

A little information about why we need to make some big changes

For starters we all put too many "fake" substances in our bodies. From the hygiene products we use, to cleaning products, make-up, and especially what we eat. It's true - most of what we consume is processed, convenience foodstuffs and NOT REAL FOOD.

We have all become so busy and live such fast-paced lives that we have come to rely upon whatever's the quickest and easiest solution for our needs. Unfortunately, we're doing this at the expense of our health and in many cases our very lives, and I'm not being overly dramatic. Many of us complain regularly about stress, exhaustion, and constantly getting sick, and this is just a preview of what can happen and often does as we age. Many illnesses that creep up on us are treatable or preventable. It's true - I've read the scientific research and anecdotal evidence, and experienced this myself as have many others in my life.

Do some fact-checking for yourself. You'll find all sorts of incredible claims that seem to belong in Ripley's Believe it Or Not, but they are completely factual and well-researched and documented. Actually, when you really think about it, it all makes perfect sense. You'll discover there are vegetables and fungi that can kill cancer cells in their tracks. There are illnesses that can only, at best, be moderately improved by medicine and surgery but those with these illnesses can be made virtually symptom-free or even cured through natural means and the detoxification and elimination of harmful, "fake" substances from their environments and diets. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The motivation to change my lifestyle

You may say you don't have time for such changes, or joke that you may as well move to a hippie commune. I made the same excuses and jokes until I became very ill with a disease called endometriosis. The short explanation is that the cells that line a woman's uterus end up outside of it, and can grow and spread into other organs which can in turn cause debilitating pain and complications. I had two surgeries to remove these invading cells and they didn't work - it is incurable and the endometriosis keeps coming back in most cases. I had a third surgery that worked in that it resulted in marked improvement, but I was still in constant pain and the endometriosis will return. I have Stage 4 endo, measured in stages the way cancer is, and it's very aggressive. My life has essentially been on hold for the past four years and I have been unable to work or do many of the things I used to due to the impact the pain has had on my life.

I'm not telling you all of this for pity, but to make a point about what all of this "convenience" has cost us. My condition is fed by too much estrogen and most of the fake substances we use or processed foods we eat take estrogenic action once they enter our bodies. If you read the list of ingredients on a bottle of foundation make-up for example, there is nothing natural there and believe it or not you can absorb way more through your skin than orally. Worse still, anything absorbed through your skin enters your bloodstream that much faster. So these chemicals are going directly into your blood and wreaking havoc on your body, making you toxic as they build up over time.

Get motivated to change your lifestyle now - don't wait until you get sick

Now I'm not trying to frighten anyone with this information. Many of us already have an idea that many of the products we use and foods we eat aren't the greatest for us, but as most of us have always lived like this we are accustomed to it. It's a big task to make a total lifestyle overhaul to be healthier and happier and prevent future illnesses, especially if you feel ok now. I was in that same boat until I got so ill that I took matters into my own hands, doing the research and realizing that my disease could likely have been prevented. When you are in pain 24-7 and are willing to do anything to get better and get your life back, changing your eating habits and switching to natural products in your everyday life is the easiest thing in the world to wrap your head around. And though I had researched this "natural treatment" for some time, I have only recently implemented it.

But now that I have made the changes I am telling you about, I am experiencing so many wonderful things that years of surgeries and painkillers could not accomplish for my chronic condition. The pain is diminishing steadily, I am in better physical shape, I have more energy, and my mood has greatly improved. At one point the pain was so extreme and constant that I was suicidal and was fighting just to exist - I wasn't "living" at all. Now I see a light at the end of the tunnel and know that not only am I getting better, but I will be in even better shape than I was before I got sick and, by continuing to live a much healthier life, my incurable illness may essentially be in remission before long!

Don't get me wrong - I still stumble, still cheat by having potato chips sometimes, or drinking with friends at a party, using an old bottle of Comet to scrub the bathtub when I've run out of baking soda and vinegar. But the key is to realize that like any big change it will take time and you will make mistakes. Start small and change one thing at a time.

Think of your body as a Cadillac. If you put sugar water into the tank instead of premium gasoline, it's going to breakdown. It's the same with you - put enough chemicals and processed substances into your body instead of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats etc., and you'll break down too. The issue is that you need to realize this and make the changes before your muffler falls off!

You may worry about making the time and think it will cost more but this is not the case. As I have already suggested, do a little research of your own and you'll see that it doesn't have to be difficult, expensive, or all that time-consuming and the benefits to your health, happiness, and life in general are immeasurable.

Look up recipes using all-natural ingredients to make your own home cleaners, make-up, skin treatments, and more. These things can be fun, quick, and easy, and in the long run cost far less and be more effective than the products you're currently using. If you're still unsure, this snippet of info is for the ladies - sugar ages you far faster than you would naturally. Aside from this many of the make-up and anti-aging products we waste money on contain substances that are widely thought to contribute to the onset of various cancers and other illnesses, and actually aid in the breakdown of our cells, aging us faster as well! Using tomato pulp on your face at night and extra virgin olive oil as a moisturizer does for more for your complexion and costs significantly less too (and castor oil fades existing wrinkles and prevents new ones!).

So stop making excuses - just pick a few things you can easily change now and get started. Before long you'll be amazed at how much better you look and feel, how much more energy you have, and how much more disposable income you have in your bank account. It's not hippie-dippy - it's simply getting back to basics and being good to our bodies!

Article Source:

2009 ·Healthy Bites by TNB